Monday, July 9, 2012

As promised....more jewelry

Hey everybody!  I am back to post some more pictures of my jewelry adventures.
These two shots are of some barrettes that I created using paper circles from Graphic 45 and Glossy Accents to finish them off and give them a shiny appearance.
There is a hodgepodge of different images, some whimsical, all guaranteed to be a one of a kind.  Next time when I make some more of these I will take pictures along the way and try to show you how I do it.

No matter how blind you are, you will manage to find some imperfection in my work.  I use it as inspiration for the next piece I work on, but more importantly I use it to remind me that we aren't perfect, just using what we have to the best of our abilities.

These next three shots are all an adventure that just presented itself in a strange way.
While making some other pieces, I was looking for something "different" to make.
These cute little wooden scrapbook pieces were just the ticket.
They are all from a transportation-themed package, stained with Copic Ciao markers.

I added a black bead to each of the earrings, and it kinda looked like a tailight.

The necklace chain chosen is a simple ball chain. Anything more would have been too much.

The only disadvantage to these is that they are fragile.  But if you aren't planning on skydiving with them on, I think you would be ok.  ;-)

Here's a simple necklace made using the same wooden pieces, I just stacked two sailboats on top of each other for depth and finished them off with a silver bail to connect to the simple chain.
These pictures may not do this one justice but it is really neat.

We also created a bunch of earrings with these pieces, here are a few examples.

Sailboats, pretty in pink.
The detailing on these sailboats was added using a Pearl Pen.

Red airplanes.

Last of this line, are the bicycles.  Love them!

Black bike on a black chain, with silver rims.
I think they are 20s.  Ha.

Copper/red bike on a copper chain.

The matching earrings.

Just to give a little tease of tomorrow's posting, here is one of the metal pieces I plan to unveil.

Have a terrific day!

1 comment:

  1. I love the barrettes....and need more! something whimsical in purples? white/black? IU? hmmmmmm. They work outstanding in my crazy hair.

    Joannes on 86th today. Bust. BUT I have loads of goodies from previous trips. We need to meet up.

    Cheers dear crafty one.
